Divorce Law

Ending your Marriage in Thailand

Ending your Marriage in Thailand
Ending your marriage in Thailand can be difficult. As long as you are married in Thailand and both parties agree to the divorce, the process will be quite [...]

Marriage & Property

Marriage & Property
When getting married in Thailand consider what the implications are in Thailand with regard to property. The property laws in Thailand during marriage is not [...]

Divorce in Thailand

Expatriate divorces are common in Thailand. Many end in litigation while the good majority tends to end with a settlement agreement. In Thailand there are two [...]

Thai Divorce Agreement

Thai Divorce Agreement
If you are getting divorced in Thailand then there are only two options. The first is an unopposed divorce by agreement also called an administrative divorce. [...]

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand
Child support in Thailand can become complex during a divorce in Thailand when one of the parties goes back to their home country. The method of payment is [...]